Thursday, September 2, 2010

On Eagle's Wings

Boy Scouts has been a part of our family for twenty-plus years. It is a great program that instills excellent values in young men, while letting them do "wild-at-heart-guy things" like camping, cooking over a fire, caving, rappelling, archery, and clay -disc shooting (whatever that's called!) Philip is almost at the end of his official time with Scouts. He's worked hard to earn all the required merit badges (21). Last Saturday, he organized and lead a team of 23 volunteers as they renovated and beautified the playground of an urban church that is used by an after-school program every weekday. I am so proud of him, of both the stick-to-it-tiveness he showed and the leadership qualities he exhibited.
Brent, our older son, achieved the high honor of Eagle, also, and it brought him to soaring heights on numerous occasions. When he interviewed for a scholarship at Furman University and also at his first job interview after college, his Scouting experience and, in particular, the rank of Eagle, were pulled out from his resume and discussed more than any other achievements.
Even I was a cub scout den mother one year! Corraling seven eight-year olds into some semblance of order was not my forte but we took some awesome trips and made some great crafts!
Hats off to all boyscouts and leaders!
And He will raise you up on eagle's wings, bear you on the breath of dawn, make you to shine like the sun, and hold you in the palm of His hand.