Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Blissfully Exhausted

I purchased, wrapped, labeled and delivered over 50 gifts. I spent WAY too much money. I baked five or six "goodies" to share. I prepared numerous potluck dishes for Christmas parties. I attended two staff gatherings. I hosted three Christmas dinners for family and friends. I planned or attended at least five more-than-usual-Christmas worship services. I travelled over 1300 miles to visit family in eight days, returning home on icy, snowy, mountainous roads. Would I do it again? YES! Though my body is still dragging (extra Christmas pounds don't help!), the JOY of spending time with family and friends, the JOY of sharing good conversation and seeing faces as gifts are opened, the JOY of experiencing once again the birth of Jesus Christ in my heart and in the world---is priceless. I thank God for these times and these relationships. We were created to be in community. I think Christmas is such as happy time because we "commune" in so many ways--with God, with family and friends, with the Body of Christ.
One of my friends says, "Sleep is overated." Not so sure about that--but I know for sure that, right now, I'm blissfully exhausted, energized by the memories and promises of the season.

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