Friday, August 13, 2010

Survived-- no---Thrived! Thanks, FaceBook

Yesterday came and went but, as birthdays go, it was actually special. I not only survived, but thrived! One of the nicest gifts I received was all the well-wishes from friends on FaceBook. This technological cyber giant (FB)usually frustrates me b/c I do not have time to check it everyday and, therefore, am lost in many general conversations at home and work that begin with, "Did you see on FB where ... ?" But, now, I have a new respect for FB. One of the joys of getting older (and YES, there are joys) is having many friends and the memories that go with them. As people bade, "Happy Birthday," on FB, my mind's eye pulled up their faces and I recalled memorable events and situations where our lives intersected. Tons of fun!
Dear Friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7

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