Saturday, November 13, 2010

Humbly Proud

Yesterday, my first "baby" turned 31. Brent is a kind, caring, smart, young man. In the areas of husband, father, son, minister, musician, and friend, he is exemplary. If I were a peacock, my tail feathers would be spread and I'd be strutting around. Instead, I thank God and quietly brag about this treasure.

I'd like to indulge some maternal meanderings and memories. Before Brent was born, I prayed for a child. When I did not become pregnant in a few months time, I bargained with God. I promised God that, if He would give us a child, I would give this child back to Him. Like in the Old Testament story of Hannah, I sincerely meant it and planned to name our child Samuel if it were a boy. Today, he IS Samuel Brent.

Like many first-time mothers, I probably hovered over Brent too much but I could not bear the thought of being separated from him when he was little. I was one of the biggest boo-hoo-ers in the Kindergarten "Mom's cry room" on the first day of school.

Imagine the joy I had when he showed an interest in, and a propensity for, music. The first recital, the first solo, the first time to accompany in church, the first time he played in our praise band ...

Brent's adolescent years did not bring the typical angst and trials to our family. Maybe I'm forgetful in my "mature years" but I can truly say that raising Brent was a joy. He has been a good brother to Tess, Philip, and Lana. When he fell in love with Kelly, married her, became a minister, had children of his own, my joy grew exponentially.
When Rob was suddenly sick last year, Brent was a rock. My internal plates made a tectonic shift as the world turned upside down. Brent helped keep me oriented and was a calm, steady presence thoughout the ordeal.

Though I know that God loves the humble and hates the proud, I think that God, as a Parent, gives a nod as I exclaim about a recent event that evoked enormous parental pride. Brent, who serves as Director or Worship Ministries at Hope UMC, recently preached at his church. He has done this several times in the past but we were not able to be present in those worship services. This particular Sunday, we took off from our respective ministry jobs and went to Dallas, GA, to hear Brent. Tears flooded my eyes as Brent eloquently spoke with sincerity and authority, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

The Hannah in me said, "Here he is, Lord. Thank-you."

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post. I hope to meet Brent one day.

    I'm a bit of a peacock myself... :-)

