Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Empty Nest Musing #1 The Big Red Blob Ate My Son!

Help! The Big Red blob ate my son, my youngest. I tried to stop it... well, maybe I willed it to stop... Okay... on the inside I was screaming, "Stop!" It appeared, larger than life, rising up in the middle of the WKU campus. I had been forewarned it would come. I thought I could fight him off but, alas, he grabbed Philip with great intensity. Oh, he was a tricky one, that Blob. He enticed Philip with many treats, Hilltopper football games, freedom, new friends, freedom, a lax schedule, freedom, a big cafeteria with lots of different good food and, did I mention... FREEDOM?  As I struggled to hold on to my son, I saw the glint of excitement and anticipation in Philip's eyes. "Oh no! I'm losing him," I thought and I pulled harder--but to no avail. I had to concede---Big Red won.
I would have made a great poker player last Sunday. My outsides were smiling and encouraging words came out of my mouth but there was a tornado of emotions whirling throughout my insides. Thankfully, the tears held off till Philip was but a speck in my rearview mirror.
This is a tough passageway to walk through but I know I don't walk it alone. God has plans for Philip, and for me, in this next phase of our lives. IGBmtOK (it's gonna be more than okay--It's gonna be GOOD!)

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