Monday, June 14, 2010

Costa Rica or Bust

Why is it that when you are waiting for a trip, or any anticipated event, the days drag on till Y-day (Yeah-day)? Then, once the event begins, time exponentially increases speed, barreling through to bring the joyride to an end, much too soon? Right now, I feel like I'm moving in slow motion, wading through a foot of mud, but, HANG-ON, Wednesday's comin'.
For 11 months, we have dreamed and planned our family trip to Costa Rica. Since last July 15, a day that will forever live in infamy, our family has yearned to get-away, re-connect, de-stress, "re-perspectivize," and re-fuel the JOY tank. Despite the looooong winter and spring, we are thankful and, even giddy, that God has provided this opportunity. This Wednesday, we head to Hacienda Pinilla, Costa Rica for R&R, with some M&S (missions and service), and a lot of NS, NS, & NP (no shirt, no shoes, no problems --Rob's favorite daydream)! La Pura Vida--here we come!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear what adventures lay in store!
