Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Vitamin D- Light

The buzz word in vitamins these days seems to be Vitamin D. Every MD we've seen in the past year has recommended that we take a Vit. D supplement. Certainly, we are getting enough sunlight here in Costa Rica to absorb the necessary daily requirement. But, we are also soaking in Vitamin Delight as everything around us continues to astonish and amaze us. This morning, Rob and I stopped in a local coffee shop, Cafe Cafe. As we sat on the front porch, at least five hummingbirds fed at the feeder right above our heads. Last night, as we sat on the porch of our casa, we saw an armadillo cross the yard!
Tonight, we've been invited to have dinner (la cena) with a Costa Rican family. I look forward to comida tipico (home-cooking, Costa Rican style) and practicing my Spanish.
O taste and see that the Lord is GOOD!
PS--No more scorpions last night.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the tropical fruit for me! We missed you playing tennis this morning. I am enjoying reading about your adventure.

