Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Practice run

We've been told that we will be awakened VERY early in the mornings by the monkeys and birds in Costa Rica. God wanted to give us a practice run this a.m. Daddy Robin, whose nest is built under the eave of the roof of our back porch, decided to do his part to "shout with joy to the Lord all the earth" at 5: 30, right outside our bedroom window.
Less than one day, and counting ... So many details and things-that-can-only-be-done-today to take care of today. Haven't nailed down lawn care but have a strong lead.
What a blessing-- this opportunity, this adventure! Our anticipation is multi-fold: rest (oration), re NEWal, bonding, service, listening to God speak in and through it all, and FUN!
In everything, give thanks.
Hasta Manana!

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