Monday, April 4, 2011

When the Storms of Life are Raging, Stand by Me

Today's tornadoes bring back a memory: In late November, 1988, a tornado ripped through northwest Raleigh, NC in the middle of the night, causing loss of life and property. Three lives, including a classmate of son Brent, were extinguished that night as near speed-of-light winds wreaked havoc in our community. The sanctuary of our church, Asbury UMC, was literally blown to pieces. Daylight revealed what the dark had hidden, and our hearts sank. The incredible mass of wood, brick, glass, trash where our church had once stood... So much to do, so much heartache. Would our young community of faith survive the trauma?
As we cried out to God for strength and direction, He gave us two signs --signs that showed us we were not alone, signs that pointed to the One Who is more powerful than earthly storms.
We set to work, clearing the debris of the fallen sanctuary, and it seemed that everything would have to be tossed. Hundreds of broken chairs, a crashed grand piano, demolishend altar furniture--all wet, splintered, useless. Suddenly, a shout of joy arose amid the mourning. We turned to see what was happening and two men lifted the large wooden cross that had hung in the center of the altar wall. It was perfectly intact! A holy moment ensued as we were transported above the mire and rubble to God's welcoming arms of comfort, of safety, of hope. A day later, as wonderful people from near and far continued the cleanup, a volunteer discovered what surely was a direct message from God. Picking up one of many soggy hymnals in the field beyond the church, he smiled as he read the song title on the open page: "When the Storms of Life Are Raging, Stand by Me." Our congregation quickly claimed this hymn as our own and the lyrics from this hymn pierced our hearts as we sang this hymn over and over in the years to come, years of rebuilding and reconstruction, of re-orienting our Body of Christ to God's mission for us.
"In the midst of tribulation, stand by me"
"When the hosts of hell assail, and my strength begins to fail, thou who never lost a battle, stand by me."
God is Good. Good came from bad --as God has promised. Asbury grew into a stronger, more Christ-centered and God-honoring church.
Storms come in all shapes and sizes: storms of  family, storms of health, storms of finances. Whatever the storm, we have the promise and the assurance that when we trust in the Lord, leaning not on our own understanding, and in all our ways acknowledging Him, He will direct our paths. Thank-you, Lord.

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