Monday, July 5, 2010

A church without walls

Beach Community Church in Brasilito, Costa Rica is a church without walls--theologically and literally! We worshiped there yesterday under a thatched roof with vaulted ceilings held up by huge poles, great casablanca fans, and absolutely NO WALLS. The wonderful BCC congregation, about 100 people in size, is comprised mostly of US ex- patriots. A four-member praise band led us in singing many familiar songs but each with a slight Latino flair. A guest speaker who leads a prison ministry in Florida gave a challenging sermon. It always thrills me to visit other churches and to find God's people worshiping passionately and serving whole-heartedly. In Christ there is no east or west, in Him, no north or south!
Sunday afternoon, Lana and Rob went for massages, Philip took more great pics, and Susan graded online course work. We all hiked three miles along the beach to the lagoon, watched another gorgeous sunset, and then went to bed by 9:00.
Today has been fairly routine-- NOT. Nothing about this trip has been boring or ordinary, there is always something new to explore. With only sixteen days left, I just hope we don't miss anything!

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