Monday, July 19, 2010

La Comida es especial y muy delicioso! The food is special and very delicious!

I know I've blogged about the food here but it bears repeating. Besides loving the rice and beans, beans and rice, and rice and beans, Rob and I disagree on who has the best Nachos and we agree on the best pizza. Most of all, though, we have delighted daily in the fresh--just picked off the trees--fruit. Fresh pineapple is our favorite. Can you believe it costs only $1.30 in the market? We have fresh fruit smoothies every afternoon consisting of just fruit, ice, and water (that is, if we make them but there's usually a little added sugar if we buy them). Yummmmm.
Sunday, we had a real treat. Gabriel, the Hacienda Pinilla tennis pro, invited us to attend a church about 20 miles from here. After traveling down several long dirt roads and fording a small stream, we arrived at La Casa de Sion (The House of Zion). It was open-air (wooden posts supporting a tin roof) with a concrete floor and wooden pews. The time of praise and worship (singing) was led by Latino Christian recording artists on the USB inserted into the boombox. The pastor and his wife, very kind and dedicated people, led worship. Their teen-age daughter, Tanya, encouraged all of us to sing along (with the boombox). There were about 25 people there and two-thirds of them were relatives of the pastor's family. Most importantly, the Spirit of God was there. I was struck by the fact that God hears Spanish prayers, and German prayers, and Fijian prayers, and Zulu prayers ... we are all part of the family of God. What a mighty God we serve!
Love in any language, straight from the heart, pulls all together, never apart.

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