Sunday, July 11, 2010

Costa Rican Eyes

We learned very early after our arrival in Costa Rica to develop Costa Rican eyes: eyes that soaked in every vista-full of color, shapes, and natural beauty. Along with that, we have developed eyes that look in every corner for bugs, every path for crabs and iguanas, and every road for potholes. Philip has done an incredible job taking pictures of our adventures here but he was almost too engrossed in his photography to see the 8-ft. long BOA constrictor on the dirt road leading to our house! UGH! Again, folks here try to tell us that Boa's aren't that bad-- aren't poisonous, etc., but a snake's a snake a snake to me.
We walked the beach to the lagoon this morning, swam in the pool, boogie-boarded for an hour, then came back and had our own worship service as we overlooked the Pacific ocean. We played a game during our worship--"lightning-round thanksgiving." In five minutes, we took turns naming as many things as we could name that we are thankful for on this trip. The buzzer sounded way too soon-- I think we could have gone on for 30 minutes!
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of God's love...

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