Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Home again, home again, jiggety-jig ...

With mixed emotions, we arrived in Nashville at 2:30 p.m, glad to see family here--sad to leave new friends in Costa Rica.
The last five weeks seem like a dream, full of experiences we will never forget. Rob and I are truly rested, yet overwhelmed right now. I'm sure we'll be able to put everything into perspective as time goes by. A few lessons we've already learned from this once-in-a-lifetime adventure: we have way too much stuff in USA; we are way too stressed and should not sweat the small stuff; time can be our enemy or our friend--we control it, it does not have to control us, and a 3-mile walk on the beach every morning does a body a world of good!
Lead me, Lord. Lead me in your righteousness. Make your way plain before my face.

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