Saturday, July 10, 2010

A visit to the pot farm

Today has been a lazy day, highlighted by a visit to The Pot Farm! This ceramics store is in a barn right outside Hacienda Pinilla. Philip thought the place was hilarious so we stopped to take his picture and to let him buy a T-shirt. :-)
Yesterday, Rob and I rode through the surrounding countryside with Yanith, the head of the Hacienda Pinilla Fundacion. She took us down miles of muddy, bumpy roads to see the renovation projects at two of the forty elementary schools where the Foundation is working. We went so far back in the country that I wasn't sure we would find our way out--back where there were only a few homes and maybe 30 children in the community --but there was a school! Costa Rica is ranked third in the world in literacy. Another treat was seeing the eight Habitat Houses that the Foundation has built. Education, housing, and medical care are the three thrusts of this foundation. Hats off for the marvelous job they are doing in the Santa Cruz area of Costa Rica.
Last night, we ate at a great little pizza place in the nearby town of Tamarindo, called La Baulas. On the way home, we stopped at the supermercado to stock up on local fresh fruit and great Costa Rican coffee.
Shout to the Lord, all the lands. Come before Him with singing. Give thanks and bless His name.

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